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B-to-B Marketing: 11th Idea for 2014

December 15, 2022   Posted By Joel Goldstein

Teach me something, but don’t make me read it. We’ve talked earlier19 Ways to Brainstorm New Blog Content about how time pressured our engineering customers are. They don’t have time any longer to read an eight-page white paper. Our trade magazines have responded as well with shorter articles – 1200-word pieces are far more common today than the 2000-to-2500-word features we used to write. It’s all about the pictures, videos and graphics we can use to tell our stories. Here’s an example: a client created a tremendous giveaway promotion for a behind-the-scenes trip to a NASA facility. One of our media partners wrote a few blog posts, inviting readers to “click here” to enter. The posts did fine, with each blog post generating 10–15 entries. However, one post generated 147 entries! What was the difference? The editor changed the “click here” link to a “click here” jpeg of a picture of the entry form! Engineers responded far more dramatically to that simple picture than to the words “click here.” Strange, but true.

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